Отечественные журналы
1. Известия АН. Cерия химическая 2017, №11
2. Кинетика и катализ 2017, Т.58, №5
3. Успехи химии 2017, Т.86, №11
4. Успехи химии 2017, Т.86, №12
Иностранные журналы
1. Acta Chimica Slovenica 2017, V.64, №2
2. Australian Journal of Chemistry 2017, V.70, №9
3. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 2017, V.90, №10
4. Chemical Communications 2017, V.53, №23
5. Chemical Communications 2017, V.53, №28
6. Chemical Communications 2017, V.53, №29
7. Chemical Communications 2017, V.53, №32
8. Chemistry and Chemical Industry 2017,V.70, №9
9. Chemistry Letters 2017, V.46, №10
10. Current Organic Chemistry 2017, V.21, №17
11. Current Organic Chemistry 2017, V.21, №18
12. Current Organic Synthesis 2017, V.14, №6
13. Match 2017, V.78, №2
14. Match 2017, V.78, №3
15. Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry 2017, V.14, №5