Отечественные журналы.
- Известия АН. Серия химическая 2016, №10
- Известия Саратовского университета 2016, Т.16, №2
- Кинетика и катализ 2016, Т.57, №5
- Химия и жизнь 2016, №10
Иностранные журналы.
- Australian Journal of Chemistry 2016, V.69, №7
- Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 2016, V.89, №8
- Chemical Communications 2016, V.52, №32
- Chemical Communications 2016, V.52, №33
- Chemical Communications 2016, V.52, №34
- Chemical Communications 2016, V.52, №35
- Chemical Communications 2016, V.52, №36
- Chemistry and Chemical Industry 2016,V.69, №7
- Chemistry Letters 2016, V.45, №8
- Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials 2016, Vol.24, №5
- Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials 2016, Vol.24, №6
- Current Organic Chemistry 2016, V.20, №18
- Current Organic Chemistry 2016, V.20, №19
- Current Organic Synthesis 2016, V.13, №4
- Organic Preparations and Procedures Intern. 2015,V.48, №1-2-3